Ethylene propylene diene terpolymer (EPDM) is a dependable, heavy-duty synthetic rubber roofing membrane and one of the most popular roofing materials worldwide. No thicker than a nickel and dark in color, these sheets of rubber are made by different roofing materials manufacturers and are most commonly used in the installation or repair of a flat roof.
What is rubber roofing?
Some of the most durable and dependable synthetic rubber roofing membranes on the market are made of ethylene propylene diene terpolymer, but more commonly it’s referred to as EPDM. If you were to physically pick up a piece of EPDM you would notice that it is flexible but is hard to pull, much like pulling on an extremely taut exercise band.
EPDM Fleeceback Membranes
EPDM can also come with a fleece backing which helps alleviate the issue of uneven stretching. It also provides better coverage, which is why it is popular in the commercial roofing industry. The fleece adds durability to the rubber membrane as well as greater puncture resistance.
Glass Fiber Reinforced Polypropylene/EPDM Blends
EPDM membranes can also be reinforced with glass fibers. These are particularly popular in low-rise buildings. This adds durability and flexibility to the material.
Rubber Roofing Shingles Versus Asphalt Shingles
One of the reasons why a homeowner would use rubber shingles over asphalt shingles is because they are better suited for flat roofs. However, asphalt shingles work great on sloped or pitched roofs.
Rubber Roofing Contractors Near Me
Given that we get a lot of snow in Indiana, it’s important for homeowners to prepare their home for the winter season. At Jackson Contracting, we have enjoyed getting to know the community in the Indianapolis area and becoming one of the community’s most trusted roofing contractors. We provide a number of roof repair and installation services.
The first step is to prep your roof for commercial or residential rubber roof installation. We remove any dirt, debris, and existing asphalt layers on your roof before we install your new rubber roof. We clean the area and then wait for the surface to be completely dry. If needed, we can replace or re-level the roof surface to ensure that the panels are laid down straight and flat with minimal chances of trapped air or creases. We also measure out the project area and allow for enough overhang for the walls and the edge of the roof.
Next, we are ready to layout the EPDM, which comes in big rolls. Those rolls get prepared into sheets and are up to 50 feet wide. We ensure that the seams are properly installed to prevent water damage and leaks later since these are typically vulnerable spots. After unrolling and laying the EPDM out it needs some time to rest, which is about 30 minutes. This is where it is expanding naturally on its own to be sure that the fit is correct.
Then we start actually applying the sheet to the roof using a paint roller and water-based adhesives. There is a short period of waiting for the membrane to dry after it has been glued or bonded. Next, we brush the surface of the EPDM membrane to get rid of any air bubbles underneath.
We continue this whole process until all the sheets are covering their roof. Then we work on the edges. We attach the EPDM to the roof edges and walls and seal off the corners and with strong flashing. We ensure that there is a watertight seal around the membrane.
Rubber Roofing Maintenance
One of the downsides of a rubber roof is that it dries out easily, which can lead to leaks in your building or home. Over time the EPDM begins shrinking as it dries out, which starts to pull away from the seams and the perimeter of the roof. If the rubber roof is not glued down well, or if water gets into the glue, then it’s only a matter of time when there will be water getting into the building. In extremely bad cases you can see the air bubbles at the edges of the roof where the EPDM is peeling away. Unfortunately, due to the properties of EPDM, this is a very common feature. It is imperative to have your roof evaluated annually by a professional roofing contractor in order to prevent these issues and take care of them when they’re manageable before you’re looking at an expensive replacement.
Frequently Asked Questions
We get a lot of inquiries at Jackson Contracting from our Indiana commercial and residential roofing clients, and we’ve learned to anticipate what kinds of questions people generally have when they contact a roofing contractor. But if you do not see your question here, then give us a call
Does homeowners insurance cover roof repair?
Generally, a roof replacement is covered by homeowners insurance if the damage resulted from a sudden accident or act of nature. But many Indiana homeowners insurance policies will not pay to repair or replace a roof if the homeowner failed to properly maintain it, and it was already gradually deteriorating due to wear-and-tear or neglect. The best way to know is to consult your insurance policy and see what it says about what type of roofing repair or replacement project they will cover.
How do I prepare my business for commercial rubber roof services?
We understand that you want to have a smooth continuation of services at your Indianapolis business while your roof repair or replacement is being done. While crews are working on your new roof or your roof repair, there is going to be a considerable amount of noise as they pull up the old roof and install the new one. If you can move important conferences or meetings to lower floors further away from the roof, then that may make the process easier for you. Additionally, our crews are going to need some space in your parking lot for our trucks and materials. To make this as easy as possible, you will want to mark out a specific area where your employees cannot park and let them know in advance that crews will need access to that area. The area you designate for your employee’s cars should be far away from the area where your contractor is working. This is because roofing materials may be thrown and could damage vehicles.
How soon can I get a rubber roofing commercial contractor to give me an estimate of my Indianapolis Indiana business?
We can have someone out to give you an estimate in 72 hours for commercial rubber roof services from Jackson Contracting Inc all rights reserved.