Roofing Contractor in Plainfield

Eventually, every home will need a roof replacement. That means that if you’re in your home for long enough, you’ll inevitably need a roofing contractor at some point. When in search of a reputable and reliable roofing contractor in Plainfield there may be many concerns or questions that you have about the overall process. In this article we will seek to quell some of those inquiries and help you to be a more informed consumer before you begin the process of replacing your roof.

How Many Estimates Should I Get?

Most experts will advise that you get three estimates at minimum. This allows you to get a feel for the marketplace as well as gauge what companies will work best with you and your specific needs. However, this is not something that is written in stone. If you have had three estimates completed and still do not feel comfortable, then, by all means, get more estimates until you do. Conversely, if you find that after two estimates you are comfortable with a specific contractor and their terms, experience and level of customer service, then it is completely fine to move forward in the process at this point. Below, you will find some information that you should gather when getting an estimate from potential roofing contractors in Plainfield.

  • Level of customer service and attentiveness
  • Experience with your desired roofing materials (metal, asphalt, slate,etc.)
  • Cost of services (materials and labor)
  • Warranties offered and length of warranties
  • Method of payment and when payment is due
  • Estimated amount of time to complete project
  • Amount of Insurance

These are fundamental questions that should be answered during any estimate given. At Jackson Contracting we offer free estimates and are available 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Friday to answer your call and schedule your estimate.

Steps to Take After You Have Chosen Your Contractor

After you have chosen your contractor and are prepared to begin the roofing process, you will want to ensure that you are well prepared. If you haven’t already, verify references, licenses (if applicable) and level of experience before the project begins. We have put together a list of steps that you should take to ensure that this project goes off without a hitch.

  1. Re-read your contract: Take another look over your contract. If you have any additional questions or concerns, now is the time to discuss. Questions typically arise about warranties, final cost, method of payment, permits, etc.
  2. Communication: Phone calls are not always possible during the day. Inform your contractor of the best way to communicate with you and also learn what their best method of communication is. In addition, ensure that you have ironed out the update process and have an understanding of when you should be receiving them and at what milestones.
  3. Make Plans: If you have pets or you typically stay at home during the day, you may find that the noise is unbearable. It is also recommended to move your cars away from your home to avoid potential accidents and falling debris.
  4. Inform: Let your contractor know if you would prefer them not work during specific hours or of any ancillary concerns like wild animals, loose electrical wiring, weak trees close to your roof, etc.
  5. Let Your Neighbors Know: There are few things worse than being awakened at the crack of dawn to the sound of hammers, contractors and flying debris. Give your neighbors the courtesy of knowing the roofing contractors schedule so they can be prepared for the noise and commotion of close by construction.

Following these steps will limit the amount of miscommunication and frustration during construction and will allow your contractor to optimally perform to your liking.

How Long Will it Take to Finish My Roof?

The typical roof takes about two to three days to complete. This can be shortened or made more lengthy depending on the size of your roof, any ancillary work that needs to be done and the weather. Your estimate will give you a mostly accurate depiction of the timeframe that it will take to complete your roofing project under perfect conditions. Communication is key. Check with your association and inquire about potential noise restrictions during certain times of the day as this may lengthen the process.

Do Roofing Contractors Offer Guarantees on Their Work?

Most roofing contractors offer some type of warranties. It is recommended that you receive the warranty information in writing and save it in a safe place just in case it is needed. At Jackson Contracting we offer both material and workmanship warranties. Our workmanship warranties will last anywhere from five to ten years. Material warranties can last up to 40 years depending on the type of material that you are using. If you have any questions about warranties and what you can expect, do not hesitate to contact us via phone or email.

Benefits of Hiring a Reputable Roofing Contractor

Your roof is the protective layer that keeps your family, home and valuables safe. It is of high importance to work with a roofing contractor in Portland that you can trust will do the job well. Some of the benefits associated with hiring a reputable company are:

  • Longer lasting roof
  • Less headaches and stress
  • Compliant with local and state laws
  • Trusted adviser
  • Can provide trusted references for other construction needs
  • Great customer service and reputation
  • Consistent communication and updates

These benefits are not to be understated. As the premier roofing contractor in Plainfield, Jackson Contracting has been in business for more than 10 years and has gained a great reputation among our customers. Hiring a reputable roofing contractor will save you time, money and unneeded stress before, during and after your roofing project has been completed.